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此生,有幸遇見荷花,也是種幸運。我想今後無論什麽花,定不采摘,天地有意,歲月長情。花開,聞香,風來,吟唱,哪管來日方長,今日無恙,便是人間最美的詩行。 菩提樹下,夢斷腸,奈何橋上,飲下孟婆湯,天涯舊狠轉眼間成了過眼雲煙,不食人間煙火的仙人是否住在深山?捧杯飲盡風雪傷了幾滴濁淚?前世三生石上我親手刻下你的名字,在茫茫人世裏為你擦去眼角朱紅的淚,一盞殘燈度過了三生流年,那一縷清風驚擾了屋簷下的銅鈴,如來佛前一盞燈芯化為月老的紅繩,千回百轉的思念淺吟著流年,牧童騎上黃牛將牧笛橫吹,馬蹄踏過的老樹根,在滾滾紅塵裏又多了一圈年輪,歲月蹉跎了曾經懵懂的心,夢醒來,窗外縈繞著淡淡的惆悵,那是刻骨的相思?還是心中的落寞?...

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If life never meet

If life never meet, I still me, dream, then, how-in-singaporestarted the work day in and day out, submerged in the hustle and bustle of the city. I do not understand, this world there is such a you, only you can let the person aftertaste, and only you...

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Who asked you to

There is such an experiment: a runner in a panel of 5 human race, before the game the coach says to him, as far as I know, 4 other people 's strength is inferior to you, then, this player is easily ran first. Then the coach has let him participate in...

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How to choose thermal underwear

As for the winter thermal underwear can greatly " decompression " underwear, the last two years popular fashion crowd favorite. Currently on the market in the end there is no thermal underwear manufacturer propaganda so magical? Whether consumers should...

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